This Mother’s Day, I’m turning to the mother of Tomboy Style, literally...my mom. There’s so much I could tell you about how she’s inspired me—from her courageous return to college in her early 40s, to running for office as an unknown underdog in her late 40s. But most importantly, she taught me that if you want something, you have to go out and pound the pavement to get it.
If not in Lake Forest, I would live in... Southern California. I love how health is a big part of the culture on the West Coast.
My current obsessions are...looking for vacation rentals on VRBO, drinking 2007 Shafer Chardonnay (which my wonderful son-in-law introduced me to) and listening to Joni Mitchell and Stan Getz.
I channel my childhood self when I...sit at my desk. As a kid I always imagined myself working. When I was in 2nd grade I got a desk for Christmas, by far my favorite gift of all time, and I’d sit at it and keep myself busy pretending I was doing all sorts of important professional things.
The fictional characters I most relate to are...Nancy Drew—because she ran the show, and Jordan Baker because, like her, I’m very competitive, and of course I move my ball strategically on the golf course from time to time.
If I had to be outdoors all day I would...be tan.
My favorite quality in a man is...accountability.
My favorite quality in a woman is...a strong personality.
I'm terrified of...being idle.
My dream car is a...1970 red Fiat 850 Spider, which I bought in my 20s for $550. It was sporty and totally impractical. I love driving stick because it makes me feel in sync with the movement of the car.
My cocktail of choice is...I don’t drink anything but wine, but I used to like Stingers, an after-dinner drink that men used to order in Chicago after eating steaks. I recently saw the Mad Men character Peggy Olson order one in an episode set in 1963, I loved that.
My celebrity crushes are...The greats: Elvis, Liz Taylor, Princess Diana, Jackie O., and of course her late son John.
My friends and I like to...go out to dinner and debate current events.
If I could go back in time for one decade it would be...1960s. There was so much going on. Everyone was experimenting with different ideas and lifestyles. It was such a creative time. People felt comfortable and encouraged to go out on a limb.
As a teenager I was totally into...dancing the Hucklebuck and The Twist to British Pop in my friend’s basements (and secretly doing nerdy things like stamp collecting).
I tend to splurge on...watches, red meat and vacations.
I hold my own in a male-dominated profession...and that's what makes me have Tomboy Style.