2008 SOUTH AFRICAN WINTER SHOE TRENDS!!Aaahhh i hate it how South Africa is always one season behind the rest 0f the world!..we have to wait for the trends to arrive for so long!. Any way I wanted to show u SA fashionistas what I think are the hottest shoes for our 2008 fall/winter season! These were the hottest winter shoes abroad..they have already started to hit our shops and they are still coming in hoards so keep ur stylish eye wide open to ensure you don't miss out!.
1. The black and white Oxford lace-up heels!! 2. The leopard print peep-toe: Still very hot!! 3. The Gucci peep-toe lace-up booties!!! They are the best in pastel shades! These type of shoes in this colour are shoes that you can really make a dramatic impression with!! Don't be shy to wear shoes that aren't ordinary....go for what is different and you will see you will be admired for your confidence!!4. These AMORE OXFORD HEELS...are my absolute BEST FAVE!!. I love everything about them..from the multi-tones, to the contrast between the black and neutral tones, to the laces..to the wide thick heels..to the shape of the actual shoes!!.they are fabulous in every way!!!!5. The Pocahontas tassel swade boots!: These boots were HUGE in China..nearly every second girl was wearing them!!..I rate they were the most popular shoe trend in China. I have a black pair but mine are shorter..I lived in mine while I was living over in China. These are very Rachel Bilson and Nicole Richie!. Today I will be showing you with some inspiration on how to wear the Pocahontas boots!