Everydub [mädchenkram]
sex is a bad thing because it rumples the clothes.
teaser: machoverlag vernissage im helmhaus zürich, 7.1.11
girl, i got feelings for you and i won't deny it.
la vita è un unico poetico eccesso.
a crush a day keeps depression away.
all the butches in town wanna make me their wife.
wear it you're worth it.
sex is a part of nature. i go along with nature.
turn your scars into stars.
behavior over aesthetics.
girls can blog: rede und antwort.
you don't swing where you sleep.
i wonder if it's possible to have a love affair that lasts forever.
mädchen im wunderland.
aus die maus.
zürich openair: fantastic music, two girls and a camera.
twitter: mädchenschwarm.
auf den arm genommen.
ich hab schon wieder ne neue.
gay etsy favorites.