I've often been emailed and independently thought about the idea of a post on underwear for Tomboy Style, but never felt I'd found the right angle or label. Nothing had really caught my eye that both aesthetically and holistically felt right for this blog, until I found Portland, Maine-based Brook There. Designed, cut, and sewn in the state of Maine with a focus on organic and sustainable fabrics that are long lasting and comfortable, I quickly realized they were a company to take note of. It's a rare thing, at least I think it is, to find a women's lingerie label that creates pieces that are intelligent and undoubtedly sexy without being reductive, and Brook There is exactly that.The duo behind the brand is husband and wife team Brook and Daniel Pepice, who you may know from the label and online store Seawall (one of my faves and more on that soon!), which they also design and run. What I really love most about Brook There though, which is already five collections deep, is the wide spectrum they produce; there are some super feminine pieces and some very boyish pieces, too. While I was about to say "something for everyone", I think it'd be more apt to say there's something for every mood. I think their quote says it all, "Comfort is primary—confidence comes from being comfortable in one's skin and one's clothing—and confidence is the underpinning of beauty in every form." So true.