SCENE | The Women's Motorcycle Exhibition by Lanakila MacNaughtonA reader recently turned me onto photographer Lanakila MacNaughton's traveling photography show called The Women's Motorcycle Exhibition. MacNaughton's shots are beautiful and her thesis to capture the real women who ride is really captivating.
"The statement is sparking something new, there are new kinds of women who are getting off the back of their boyfriend’s bike and buying [their own] bike, and connecting with other women in their community and going on adventures together, and that’s what living’s about, doing spur of the moment spontaneous stuff that you remember for the rest of your life." —Lanakila MacNaughtonCheck the calendar for future shows, I'm going to try and catch that December show in Riverside, CA. Also a selection of MacNaughton's photos are available (including that killer top photo) for purchase here.