Everydub + UNIFORM

GEAR | L.L. Bean's Wicked Good Slippers
I've had these L.L. Bean Wicked Good slippers ($79) ever since I laid eyes on them at the L.L. Bean flagship store in Freeport Maine this September. While they're not new or necessarily fascinating, they are so worthy of a post that I just thought, whatever. These slippers are not only comfortable and warm and beat the pulp out of any pair of Uggs I've ever known, they're dare I say, transformative. After a long day, a bad day, or one of those long, bad, frustrating days that makes you think "why am I even doing this!?", these slippers are the equivalent of a perfect glass of wine waiting for you next to a roaring fire. If you're in need of a pair of slippers for the chilly season, this is one pair you will not regret owning.