Everydub + Inspiration

STUDIO VISIT | Heather Taylor Home
Ever since L.A. gallery owner and blogger Heather Taylor launched her home line, Heather Taylor Home, I've been fawning over her textiles. The cocktail napkins, the runners, those colors—perfection. We were introduced a few weeks ago, and even though I had been daydreaming over her textiles that very day, I had a total brain freeze, and had not a clue who I was shaking hands with. Despite my severe social ineptitude, she let me come visit her in her newly-remodeled Culver City gallery, Taylor de Cordoba, and paw at her linens some more.You know when you start high school and there is that effortlessly cool senior that you would sort of die to be friends with? That's Heather Taylor. The bonus is: she's really really nice too. In an instant you can see how her personality, sensibility, and aesthetic is translated into her linens. They're so her—fascinating, but not pretentious, eye-catching, but still subtle.Heather Taylor Home started on a trip to Mexico where the designer saw a traditional Mexican God's Eye and couldn't get it out of her head. A year or so later, she's turned that quick moment into a full line of table linens and keeps that same God's Eye on her desk as inspiration for future designs.Above and around her desk you'll find more inspirational figures: tomboy icons Georgia O'Keeffe and Joan Baez. Check out the full collection of Heather Taylor Home, prices range from $60 for four cocktail napkins to $140 for a table runner.