Wandie is originally from Zambia and now lives in L.A. as she starts raising money for her first venture into movie production for the upcoming film Negative Space. She's circled the globe as a blogger, planting her feet everywhere from Cape Town to Catalonia. I think I just need to stop there, how unbelievably cool is Wandie!?
If not in L.A., I would live in...Barcelona. I’d be learning Spanish and drinking café con leche all day and hanging out at the beach.
My dream holiday would be to...travel through Spain, Portugal, and Italy for a few months.
My current obsessions are...studying French; hiking, and taking dance classes; making salads from my garden; listening to Otis Redding, Roxy Music, and the Talking Heads; and shopping at Creatures of Comfort.
I channel my childhood self when I...spend the day at my parents’ house, sleeping the day away, and watching bad television.
If I had to be outdoors all day I would...start the day with a hike, then take a long nap outside. I like to immediately follow exercise with extreme laziness.
My favorite quality in a man is...humor, strength, and respectfulness.
My favorite quality in a woman is...strength and creativity, and not being afraid to give men a hard time.
I'm terrified of...remaining stagnant, never changing, or evolving.
My dream car is a...an Aston Martin DB5. So dreamy!
My cocktail of choice is...Maker's Mark.
My celebrity crush is...Amy Poehler. I just finished watching Parks and Recreation. What a hilarious and amazing woman!
My friends and I like to...gossip over food and drinks.
If I could go back in time for one decade...I wouldn't. There are certain
romantic decades that I might love to visit, but there’s no time like the present.
As a teenager I was totally into...books, music, and television. I’m an only child, so I spent a lot of my childhood and teenage years in the house researching and discovering things.
I tend to splurge on...beauty products. My skin can be really problematic when I don’t hydrate or take care of it. I love Kiehl’s products. I also splurge on teas. I’m a dedicated tea drinker!
Being independent and driven...is what makes me have Tomboy Style.