I got a hickey (who does that!?), discovered the magical-ness of the shrimp job, enjoyed several Buccio (liquid) dinners, starred in the second annual Emerald Isle excursion, lost several cameras and a Blackberry, sporty spiced it up with the dikeys, was proud at the first ever Buccio Drunch (with a capital D), saw (and made some of my own) fireworks on the 4th, started a new job (FINALLY!) and racked up air miles (Dallas, Atlanta, Jackson, LA, San Francisco, Vegas, Phoenix, Boston), hiked and rafted in the Rockies, started a grey streak, did my first pub crawl, stayed "hydrated" in Mexico, lost some time, got a second tattoo and wrapped up my least favorite season with back to back Gaybor day celebrations.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I say: Welcome Fall 2010! I <3 you and all your crisp, cool madness!