Everydub + Whitewall Magazine

Keith Haring 20th Anniversary at Tony Shafrazi
Sorry for the poor quality of the Blackberry shots
My thanks to Alexandra Essen for FINALLY inviting me to a cool party.  After 2+ years of knowing and working with Alex and her craziness in NY, she is now back in Paris, recovering from the hangover of life in NY. It is from Paris where she sent the invitation to the opening of the Keith Haring retrospective sponsored by Whitewall Magazine and Peter Marino at Tony Shafrazi.  The girl was orchestrating intercontinental invites and meetings (nice to meet you, Jesus) from her bedroom in Paris yet she never once during her residence in NY invited me to one of the tons of art parties she frequently attended.  Finalement, MERCI Planete!Haring under black lightThe Blackberry cam doesn't do the fluo colors justiceNot-so-mystery meatA Haring totem poleA shot for my sister, a 1982 baby