Everydub + YSL

25 things about me
1. I love Edith Piaf — well I love music in general. It's my "car radio" and I'm totally hooked on iTunes and Shazam on the iPhone.
2. I enjoy going to the movies alone and walking around the city by myself. Alone time is very important to me. Which is why my mother tells me it's going to be hard for me to find a man. Thanks for the gentle words of encouragement, Lourdes
3. I don't like kids or dogs in the general sense of the word, partly because I hate baby talk. But I do have a soft spot for the new gen cousins, a big mushy heart for my nephew Dylan, and I can tolerate Ito and Lucy. And because I don't like dogs, my last blind date was a total failure.
4. I'm currently obsessed with the color purple (and I don't mean Alice Walker's novel or Oprah's acting turn in it) and flourescent yellow.
5. I have a thing for gold jewelry, like 1980's over-the-top-Miami Vice-marimbero style. Pile it on — the more the merrier.
6. My curtains are actually bed sheets.
7. I wish I had a bigger apartment so I could have a wall to wall, floor to ceiling library (among other things). I love books — reading them, looking through picture books and sometimes even rereading the really great ones.
8. Like Kathy, I have a torrid love affair with NYC. The good bad and ugly make it all worthwhile. Even when a virginal blanket of white snow becomes muddy slush overnight and traffic can cripple the morning commute and rents are exorbitant. Having four seasons, amazing cultural and culinary gems, a healthy 7-night-a-week nightlife and multicultural circles totally trumps all that ugly stuff. I've met some amazing people here and surviving here is probably my biggest accomplishment.
9. I own three pairs of high-heeled YSL Johnny boots and am considering my fourth pair in metallic pewter for the spring. Which ties in to my mildly OCD shopping habit of buying the same thing in multiple colors.
10. My favorite treats are ginger ale and Twizzlers.
11. I wish I knew what I want to do when I grow up.
12. I use my kitchen for storage because I definitely don't use it for culinary purposes.
13. I am obsessed with my Blackberry and even if I develop carpal tunnel syndrome at the tender young age of 30, it'll totally be worth it because it's my lifeline to people near and far.
14. I used to be fat: big belly, round face, husky sized pants for my St. Agatha uniform and buck teeth to top it all off! Thank god I'm thin and pretty now lol
15. Dressing up to me is like Halloween: you can be anyone you want. For example, Monday I was all Mad Men in a grey felt fedora with my impeccably tailored Balenciaga coat over a classic cashmere sweater and beautifully cut trousers. Yet on Tuesday night I was Mary Kate in a paint splattered, tattered t-shirt with a over-sized cardigan that came to mid-thigh, a heavy sweater with fur trim collar and Gap cords. What's your costume?
16. I capture life on the digicam — my favorite gadget right second only to my BB. The pictures help me piece together my black out nights. After uploading them, I obsessively look over them on iPhoto (and then get in trouble with certain people for posting them on FB without approval. Sorry!).
17. People think I'd be a good father ??? (See #3)
18. I want to start doing charity work this year. I really want to go help kids in Africa but I don't know if I can "survive"
19. When I was a little kid, I always saw pictures of my family in Cuba in black and white. So I thought Cuba was black and white. So that somewhere in the process of flying over to the US, my family members were colorized. True story.
20. I'm very lucky — the last 3 times I've lost my BB, the very honest and generous people who have found it have contacted a friend and I've been able to retrieve it. And when I fall asleep in the back of cabs, the drivers have never (to the best of my knowledge) taken advantage of me. I think I have a pretty charmed life.
21. I'm superficially superficial.
22. I've successfully climbed into my window 2.5 times (one time I dropped the AC out the window and had to buy a new one). And the last time I attempted the climb I lost my balance and fell and wrecked my knee and ribs. War wounds
23. Top 5 vacations (in no particular order): 1995 15's cruise, 1998 Senior cruise (martillo), 1999 Study Abroad in Spain, 2001 Italy-Spain Shrek World Tour, 2007 Paris
24. I sleep in my underwear (and with socks in the winter since my building's heat rarely works).
25. I haven't had a boyfriend in nearly 5 years and thinks it's about time ... So feel free to pass my information on to any suitable suitors.
January 29, 2009