The opulent eroticism of the scenes, the evocation of harems, luxuriant interiors populated by Elise Crombez playing the concubine (or maybe a female slave), reclining in semi nudity and Oriental inspired garments. A sense of cultivated beauty, sensuality and pampered isolation. I was instantly seduced by the exciting energy of the pictures and the erotic disposition of the body and limbs. It has been a few years since I found myself intensely captivated by a Vogue UK shoot!
Susie Bubble also mentioned this shoot here:
I'm looking forward to the Tate exhibition "The Lure of the East" which will feature some of the best English Orientalist painters. I've always been fascinated by the influence exerted by the Orient over the imagination of Western artists at the turn of the 19th century.
The pictures are by Javier Vallhonrat