Everydub + Inspiration
So without any design experience — in fact no business experience at all, I decided that I'd start a clothing company that would challenge the villains of the day as I saw them. The big corporate surf companies. Making cheap cotton t-shirts in far-flung, un-named factories that they'd sell to folk that had never been near the water. You know the kind of businesses I'm talking about. Little integrity and no transparency.
So seven years later, what's the journey been like? Business heads tell us that they could have done it twice as fast for half the money. I don't think they're wrong. But for us, it was more about the adventure. Mistakes have been made for sure (there may well be more to come), but it was never about a formula, more about throwing caution to the wind and experiencing things money could never buy. [Thank you so much Aya for the recommendation]
Sunday, October 20, 2013