Everydub Style Inspiration

Friday Shopping
Yesterday, I had the day off and went for a visit to the city to do some fashion sourcing...my first stop was Harvey Nichols. I spotted a label called Finder Keepers and I found myself looking at their collection for like half an hour which is unlike me to be honest! I can get easily bored when looking at collections if they don't catch my attention quickly. The shapes,fabrics used,colours and prints used on the pieces are refreshing for the Summer coming up. The collection has the perfect balance of floral prints,neon and formal black studded designs. The collection is so wearable for the office,day lunches to parties to airport/traveling trips.

Another label that got my attention was Pinko. It's sparked my radar because they have white t-shirts with Madagascar character prints bejeweled to busy pattern sweat shirts which looked like great statement makers! I immediately thought to myself those would look hot with my leather jeans!

Obviously I then made my way to Topshop(my work place funnily enough) and the first department I went to was shoes! I'm on the hunt for my next everyday go to shoes!

Now I'm off to get ready for work...there is a lot of Topshop delivery to process!

Hope you all having a great weekend so far!

Much Stylish Love

Tiffany xoxo