Work Work Work Ok so ever since I got back from the States....(besides being hellishly sick with the most horrendous virus I have experienced) I have been non-stop with at at home and out of the office. I have been all GO GO GO with developing Love Affair With Fashion by creating goals for the year, filling my editorial calendar, doing loads of research reading, building relationships with brands so much more! I would be writing for days if I told you all the details. Today I partly worked from home, blogging, prepping future features and photographing my work surroundings, doing paper work (how fun right?) to taking a mere 10 minutes to have a snack before heading out to work!
My ipad with my new Marc Jacobs cover and H&M black snakeskin case resting on the cowskin lounger My work area: Starbucks flask / Jabra Solemate portable speaker (coolest boyfriend was a big contributor to the product design and packaging!) / Mac ipad / Mac wireless keyboard / Spitfire headphones / Topshop Studded ipad case / gold speckled nail polish / my daily coffee cup / vintage heart shape container Paper work, I found the perfect paper weight this morning. Kinda funny story...its actually not a paper weight...its a shot glass! I got it for Christmas from my boyfriends mom and its officially part of my desk attire! I'm pretty sure she will laugh when she reads this! Thanks Mariaan! My desk might be tidy but I couldn't say the same for my land of dreams! Magazine tear outs lying everywhere and even a orange find a spot!When I took my ten minutes out to have a munch this was it...has a disco nap on my white rug...