If not in Los Angeles, I would live in...London. For a while now, I've had a fantasy of moving to London, becoming an editor of a British magazine, and marrying a barrister.
My dream holiday would be to...New Zealand and Australia.
My current obsessions are...
Food: Scones.
Music: The Lumineers. I just went to their concert at The Fonda and they were fantastic. The cellist Neyla Pekarek is my new hero.
Fashion: MiH jeans.
Retail Store: Library in Larchmont Village.
The fictional characters I most relate to are...Identifying with fictional characters is one of my favorite hobbies. As a kid, it would have been Harriet the Spy. Then later Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Emma from Jane Austen's Emma, Lisa Simpson, Diane Court from Say Anything, and probably also Lloyd Dobbler from Say Anything. And I obviously identify with Leslie Knope. Like any reasonable woman, I love waffles and Ben Wyatt.
If I had to be outdoors all day I would...head to the beach.
My favorite quality in a man is...compassion.
My favorite quality in a woman is...honesty.
My cocktail of choice is...a whiskey ginger.
The beauty product of choice is...Burt's Bees Honey & Shea body butter.
I channel my childhood self when I...go to a library or bookstore.
I'm terrified of...spoilers.
My dream car is...Cher's Jeep in Clueless. It's got 4-wheel drive, dual side airbags, and a monster sound system!
My celebrity crush is...Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I thought he was cute when I was a kid and Angels in the Outfield came out. And he still holds up.
My friends and I like to...make watching a television show a major social event.
If I could go back in time for one decade it would be...The 1940s so I could befriend Katharine Hepburn.
As a teenager I was totally into...daytime soaps. It started out as a way to bond with my grandmothers, and then I genuinely got into them.
I tend to splurge on...birthday presents. I love picking out presents for people.
My mom...is what makes me have Tomboy Style. She has an effortless feminist quality that I admire.I can't remember her ever saying, "girls can do anything boys can do." She just led by example and as a result, I never hesitated jumping into any situation that was mostly guys, whether it was comedy or anything else.