Everydub Style Inspiration

The words sleek,form and chic are the words swirling around in my mind right now and I think they might just stick for sometime. Those three little words are defining on how I'm currently transforming into my new style from youthful vintage to a much more mature, slick and sophisticated style. I'm at that very in between age where I'm still young but needing to dress more professionally on a daily basis so creating a wardrobe that encompasses all those needs is a little tricky because I don't want my wardrobe to be covered in work attire but still have that perfect balance between relaxed and smart. 

For a long time I have been going through this personal style transition and its all finally come together for me. Figuring out what your personal work look is not a easy task if I might add! Getting dressed in the morning or even shopping has never been harder for me lately but its all over now. 
To give you a good idea of the style that I have chosen very carefully for myself is below...sleek, structured and chic.  
A lot of black and white, combining both. A lot of leather, fine textures, peplum elements coming into play, unusual and subtle avante garde shapes, sharp lines, tailored, white blouses with modern touches, studded jackets, long line blazers and so forth. The brands that I'm buying from and inspiring me are Topshop, Zara, 3.1 Phillip Lim and Daks. 
Much Love 
Tiffany xoxo Image Credit: Zara, We Heart it & Pinterest