New Line: Pink and Yellow Floral Blazer
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The minute, I laid eyes on the floral blazer, I was in love with it. Its the perfect Summer blazer to have in your wardrobe right now because you will be wearing one of the hottest trends of the season and because there are many different ways to be stylish wearing it!
For the first look, I thought I would do a very feminine, youthful but still mature look. Combing the blazer with the bright pink zip back tank top, pastel pink trousers and peep-toe heels. This is an outfit that you could easily wear during the day and at night. It would be the perfect outfit for those Summer nights out for drinks with the girls.
Tank Top- £20.00Pastel Pink Trousers - £30.00Peep-toe Heels: £60.00

In the second look, I wanted to create an outfit that had a contrast in colour to allow the floral blazer to really stand out. This might be a look that most people might not go for but I think its a fabulous outfit for the office during the Summer. You would still look smart but with a pop of colour.
Black Zip Back Tank Top - £20.00Black Skinnies - £40.00

The third look is more of a fun and playful look is which exactly what all us girls need to bring into our stylish lives! With this outfit, I combined the floral blazer with a light beige long line vest top with a sky blue skater skirt and Rivers new line of strappy wedges..which I have to say are so comfortable! This ensemble would be great for those club nights out in Greece!
Light beige vest top - £15.00Skater Skirt - £25.00 Strappy Wedges - £55.00

Its time to share your style tips with the world...
I hope you all got inspired for your weekend party outfits. I already cant wait for next weeks new line feature.
Happy Diamond Jubilee Weekend!
Much love and stay stylish as ever
Tiffany xoxo