It's been a while since we've had a Q&A up on the blog, and who better to reignite the genre, than Bekah Stewart of A Well Traveled Woman. In the vast tumblr world, hers has an aesthetic and thoughtful contextual focus that is so very spot-on. Turns out she's as ace as her tumblr!
If not in Louisville, I would live in...preferably not in the city. On a little piece of land with a view of the mountains somewhere out west. Colorado is my dream.
My dream holiday would be...a little cottage or cabin on a lake. Lots of fishing, hiking, camp fires and a view of the mountains, kind of sounds like home.
My current obsessions are...morning coffee. Yoga, pushing my body to its limit. Sitting alone in my favorite vietnamese restaurant with a bowl of pho. Chambray shirts and wool socks. Bubble baths and scented candles. Music on vinyl and Sherlock Holmes novels.
I channel my childhood self when I...play outside with my boys. The dirtier the better.
If I had to be outdoors all day I would...most likely spend it in my garden.
My favorite quality in a person is...honesty and loyalty are things I value equally in both men and women.
I'm terrified of...not being able to be here for my children when they need me.
My dream car is a...Toyota FJ40.
My cocktail of choice is...I have yet to find a cocktail I'd take over a good beer.
My beauty product of choice is...sun, water, sleep and exercise, if lacking in these a little bronzer helps.
My friends and I like to...browse antique and thrift shops, have coffee dates and dinner parties
As a teenager I was totally into...adventure, adrenaline rush and traveling.
I tend to splurge on...food, whether it's eating out or buying good ingredients, I don't bat an eye at spending money on good food.
Growing up with eight brothers and two boys of my own and dressing to fit the part...is what makes me have Tomboy Style.