InspirasiAs all us fashion bloggers around the world, we are always on the look out for my case...inspirasi...I like to change it up a bit. This week this is what is inspiring me.... Let me know what you think and I would love to hear what is inspiring you! Send me a link so that I can have a look because you never know it could inspire me too!
Hair Jewels — quick and easy way to turn around a boring outfit to something uniqueImmense detail — to be honest embellishments inspire me on a daily basis, I'm in love with detail!Paris! — Im currently planning a little escape away to Paris with some friends, in the midst of applying for my french visa to be honest its been slightly stressful!Armstrongs — A vintage store in Edinburgh, the best in fact is overloaded with inspiration for me! I visit the store on a weekly basis because I live up the road from one and I'm constantly taking photos of the gems that I find! Dolce Gabana Look Book — Their Spring/Summer 2012 collection is mind blowingly amazing! Ive got so many fab ideas for my wardrobe for my trip to South Africa...home! Pop into your nearest Harvey Nics to pick one up! LV's window display in Edinburgh — really fun and playful! Harvey Nichols — my recent carry bag for my Marc Jacobs laptop case