I interviewed Corinne last week for a piece in the next issue of Foam Magazine and found out she is chock-full of tomboy style. In fact, long before she became a successful clothing designer, her first career goal was to become a professional snowboarder. Legit. Her label, Society for Rational Dress is a name inspired by Victorian-era reformers searching for clothing less constraining and more, well, rational than corsets and the like. In addition to her masculine/feminine comfortable/chic clothing, Grassini designs furniture and a home line that is pure brilliance.

If not in Los Angeles, I would live...somewhere equally as sunny.
My dream holiday would be to...go on an around-the-world beach tour for a couple of months.
My current obsessions are...eating figs with goat cheese and honey; listening to old country music and wearing anything cashmere.
I channel my childhood self when I...am with my sisters and the dance party starts.
If I had to be outdoors all day I would... start it with a coffee on my deck, then go on a hike in Griffith Park followed by a swim at El Matador beach. It would end with all my friends barbecuing at one of our houses. I wish that could be every day actually.
My favorite quality in a man is...the ability to make me laugh.
My favorite quality in a woman is...the ability to be a good friend.
I'm terrified of...being suspended high above water.
My dream car is a...my 1972 black Volvo P1800ES.

My drink of choice is...a glass of 2007 Grassini Cab Reserve.
My most important beauty item is...sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep! I know that’s not an item but it doesn’t matter what I do, if I don’t have enough sleep, no item is going to make me feel beautiful.
My celebrity crush is...Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands.
My friends and I like to...explore.
If I could go back in time for one decade it would be...just for a minute to be front row at a Tina Turner show in her heyday.
As a teenager I was totally into...straight edge, hardcore and riot grrrl music.
I tend to splurge on...home decorating and the new home collection by Society for Rational Dress.
The fact that comfort is my main priority in getting dressed in the morning...is what makes me have Tomboy Style.