Her name is Cathie Jung and she holds the Guiness world record of the smalled waist on a living person. Her waist is about the same size as a big jar of mayo (~ 36 cm.).
And now it comes the part where people have to think a little. The ribs are essencial to the body because they protect vital organs and without them we would easily die. they also hold the respiratory muscles. What doctor in the world, mentally healthy, would remove ribs from a person knowing that it could kill her? well, it could happen, in some remote cases, but it didn´t in this one. What this woman did was wearing a corset every day for the past 12 years. She wears it now for 24 h a day. All this because she loves corsets and decided to adapt this old form of torture from the 1920's which is to wear really hard corsets that get smaller and smaller to give women this waspy look.
I know it looks pathetic and u can see how most of her internal organs and fat all went down to her pelvis cuz now it seems like she has a butt in the front. However, it´s definitely not more pathetic than those women that put silicone in their lips til they cannot move them anymore or the ones that go from A cups to DDDDDD cups, knowing that it will kill their backs or cause their death sometimes.To me, these are all ways to torture ur body and make it look hideous. But this woman is an adult and if she wants to look like this, so let her...