This past Tuesday after I got out of the gym, Gio pitched me a potential plan for the evening: a gay party at the Box. Having just run 3 miles and done an abs class at David Barton, the last thing I wanted to do was drink up a storm and get saucy. So I vetoed the offer and decided I was going to take it easy. As I walked home from Astor Place, I stopped at Chipotle for a chicken burrito dinner and couldn't help but being intrigued by the prospect of a gay party at the hedonistic haven called the Box: what wacky/sexy antics did the night hold? I was convinced we needed to check it out, so I called Gio and sold him on the idea.
Summer was in full effect so I threw on my uniform of an over sized tank, short shorts and rather than opting for my faithful Topsiders, I tied on my bronze mirrored leather vintage Helmut Lang trainers. We cabbed our way down and found the party nowhere near as racy as we had imagined it would be. It was the typical Chelsea meets East Village fageton crowd of faux-hipster boys and cleanish cut tight-T-shirt-and-jeans-wearing preps. We danced, interrupted only by trips to the bar and cabaret interludes, which included a performance from a disturbingly fat, knife-wielding woman with titanic jugs and a huge bulge of a vag.
At around 2:30 AM I called it a night, leaving Gio alone. As I walked uptown on 2nd Ave, I passed the ever-faithful Cock, where DJ extraordinaire and nightlife diva Jay4 was standing outside taking a break. It had been months since I'd been to Le Cock or seen Jay4 so it was a pleasant surprise to run into him. We exchanged the expected "How's everything"s and then he totally threw me for a loop when he said "I love your blog. You haven't updated it in a while. Do it already!". Now, I expect my closest friends to follow me loyally but when someone who I know only socially gives me such encouragement, it's a bit disarming: wow someone out there is actually listening. I was flattered and thanked him gratefully, assuring him I would inspire myself and update very soon.
Two and half days later, voila! So Jay4 (and to all 3 of my readers), thanks for reading — this one's for you.