Everydub Style Inspiration

News...Or should I say Delayed News!
photo: A photo from a very simple photo shoot that myself and friend put together for her fashion college practical

I cant believe I forgot to tell you about my news, I got the internship at Dossier Magazine and Lampost which is a fashion styling and production company owned by Jodie Stinson. Im estatic about it because its going to be fantastic experience for me to gain knowledge and skills and to get insight into the fashion magazine industry here in South Africa. I really think it will really benefit me for when I immigrate to the UK next year, it will enable me to have a good idea about what goes on in a fashion magazine company and hopefully I will be able to use that experience over in the UK or where ever I end up later in future!

The 'new' news is that I PASSED ALL MY EXAMS!!..and got a distinction for one of my subjects!!