-from an AOL News article
First he attempts to lock out immigrants now he's putting a huge red scarlet letter on gay America. Can you believe that the leader of the so called free world is calling for an amendment to Constitution of the United States of America to define marriage as the union between a man and a woman??? We're off fighting wars in the Middle East where Islamic terrorists are trying to rule by religion, yet ironically enough, here in the US the President who put us into these same wars is beginning a religious crusade in our own backyards. This country was founded nearly three hundred years ago on the tenets of freedom, tolerance and equality and this shit for brains holding the reins wants to go and tear that down to appease his right wing supporters. What happened to "all men are created equal"? That's in the Constitution or maybe in gay school they gave us a different version to read? I have faith that our fellow Americans in the Senate have enough red white and blue coursing through their veins to defeat this amendment. Thank god this poor excuse for a man that we've got running the country cannot be re-elected — the future (in that sense) is bright for us. APPALLING, TRULY APPALLING!
June 4, 2006