In a palette of rich reds, dramatic purples and velvet blacks, each window takes an element of the traditional Travelling Show — be it a gypsy caravan, a strong man, or an acrobat — and displays it with an achingly hip Liberty twist. There's something deliciously dark at play; while a mannequin wears a gothic-inspired ensemble in an eclectic setting of chandeliers, shoes and bunting, elsewhere, a woman's head emerges from a drawer while her arms emerge from another, recalling the traditional Lady Sawn in Half stunt beloved of magicians.
"This time of year is when the windows get most attention and we wanted to convey the sense of visual splendour and excitement that is within Liberty itself," explains Maxine Groucutt, the retailer's head of visual identity. "The idea of the Travelling Circus works perfectly as a means of showing off all our ideas — from the unconventional and surprising displays to the idea of family values. And this year, especially, we all need to be reminded about the real value of Christmas, as well as being entertained."
The concept, which is a collaboration between Liberty's own visual identity team and design studio Elemental Design, isn't limited to the windows, either. The entire store has had a circus-style makeover, centred by the piece de resistance: the Central Atrium, hung with striped red and white drapes and multi-coloured lights.
Leisa Barnett