A fellow fashionista Frankie Fleck contacted me a little while ago to ask me if we could do a link exchange and I was very happy to do so...she sent me her link to her website which turned out to be her very own South African online shopping store called Adam and Eve which I was so pleased to see. I have been doing some browsing around the site and I really like it. It sells South African designer clothing and accessories for woman and men. Some of the brands that are selling on the site are like Ape Town, Blue Bay and Carducci! The South African designers that are currently selling their collections on the site are Chica-Loca, Jo Borkett, Desray as well as Lalesso which is huge because Lalesso is a brand that is just everywhere right now. Lalesso is a brand that I'm loving..they create stunning boho feminine garments at great affordable prices. I recently put up the Lalesso S/S 08 fashion week show on my blog to show the amazing clothing the two designers make!.
This is a site that you definitely want to check out..talking to you SA girls and you international fashionistas...this is a wonderful chance for you to purchase lovely clothing and accessories at very good prices. Trust me you wont regret it.
Here is the Link to Adam and Eve: http://www.adamandeve.co.za/index.php