Everydub Style Inspiration

Hey Ladies

I hope your day has been as good as mine:)...today went smoothly..I carried on running and rushing around the city getting things organised for the photo shoot on Sunday! Got some important things done..like I got my reference pictures printed for my reference book, bought some light pink diamante which will be used for the makeup in Part One of the shoot, bought some light blue ribbon for the models 20's head band! What I also did today, was spoil myself with some lingerie!!..found some stunning stuff on sale..I just had to buy them..they were screaming BUY ME BUY ME!! I also bought some metallic purple ribbon to make a hippie chic head band for this weekends I <3 DURBAN PARTY!..a well known indie party!..which I'm so excited about. I finally get to hang out my friends such as Dino who is a fashion student here in Durbs and Illana, Shani, Stef, Ravi,Bond, Byrone and Claude!!!:)..cant wait to just chill with them and talk rubbish!!..Gotta start planning my indie outfit!!!..only 2 sleeps till the weekend!! Tonight I'm going for drinks with my best friend..Gugu!!:)..we are having drinks at High Society! Will be good to sit back with a Cocktail and catch up on each others lives!

I have put up some posts today..check them out below!!

Love muchly mwa x